Ellsworth Kelly
Line Form Color

Harvard University Art Museum 1999.
Published to accompany the Kelly’s exhibition « The Early Drawings » organized by Harvard University Art Museum and Kunstmuseum, Winterthur, Switzerland in 1999 / 2000 . First edition.
Set of two books:« Line Form Color » ( serie of studies – drawings and collages- made in Paris between 1948 and 1954 and never showed until 1999 ) and an essay -21 p. + 2 p. of notes- by Harry Cooper : « An intense detachment: Ellsworth Kelly’s Line Form Color ». The two books are housed in a thin cardboard slipcase. Text in English.
Design by Ellsworth Kelly and Takaaki Matsumoto .

20,5 X 19,5 cm

Condition: perfect, like new.

195 €

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